Research Projects

Jewish Architects of Modernism
in Galicia: Ferdinand Kassler and Contemporaries
The research project (since 2018) deals with the legacy and fate of Jewish architects in Galicia, who, almost without exception, fell victim to the Holocaust and have been forgotten. Within the framework of field research, among others. In the course of field research in Warsaw, Vienna, Krakow, and Lviv, the biographies and works of those Jewish architects ...

International Conference, 2019
The conference was dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Bauhaus in Dessau (1919) and was a unique opportunity to present the first results of the research project "Jewish architects of modernism in Galicia: Ferdinand Kassler and contemporaries" to a broad, international expert audience.
With his lecture "Modern architecture of interwar Lviv" Prof. Bohdan Tscherkes was one of the ...

Symposium Lviv, 2019
The symposium was organized by Lviv Polytechnic National University and was dedicated to the eminent architectural historian, former Dean of the Faculty of Architecture and pioneer of international university partnerships, Prof. Andriy Rudnytskyi.
The lectures at the symposium focused on current international trends in architecture and urban planning in the context of the 20th anniversary of the ...

Symposium Vienna, 2015
Symposium and evening event celebrating 20 years of cooperation at the Vienna University of Technology with international speakers from university, politics and NGOs.
TUthesky, Vienna Technical University
Since the beginning of the era of globalization, urban development conditions have become more and more determined by external factors...

Symposium Lviv, 2015
(Nowadays) the main principles and instruments of higher academic education are constantly changing and transforming. New challenges for architectural and urban academia are formed by different societal and economic issues. In times of global crises, the main problem is to produce knowledge about the sustainable use of materials and immaterial resources.....

Lviv - Vienna Logo Design Competition - 2015
The Academic Cooperation between L‘vivska Polytechnic, institute of architecture and Vienna University of Technology, Faculty for Architecture and Planning has been going on for 20 years. In July 2015 a design competition was launched to create a logo for this cooperation....

Cooperation Website: Archive and Communication, 2013-2015
This website aims to be an interactive and vivid archive for the ongoing Academic Cooperation between the Institute of Architecture at L’vivska Polytechnic and the Faculty for Architecture and Planning of Vienna University of Technology and it's miscellaneous activities. This is why all projects of the preceding fifteen years were reviewed and made available on the website.

Urban representation places in former Galicia, 2014 - 2017
Within the context of the FWF funded project "Literature and Cityscape. Urban Identity in East-Central Europe " Stefan J. Kubin works on Drohobych, Brody and Buchach - three western Ukrainian cities located in the wider area of the former Galician metropolis L’viv.His project aims to examine the role of the town center and its occupation by representative architectures which have been an expression of the prevailing political...

Identity formation of large panel housing estates 2013 - 2016
The research is based on the study of development and transformation processes of large-panel housing estates built in 1960-1980th in Ukraine and other European countries. Emergence of researched planning units in former Soviet Union was a response to the urgent need for housing in postwar period and took place in the absence of private property and the state monopoly...

Identity, Architecture and Reconstruction of the City 2010 - 2014
Bohdan Tscherkes‘ book „Identity, Architecture and Reconstruction of the City“ looks at possible definitions of architectural and planning principles during the process of searching for national identity and the formation of public centres in capital cities. Using the examples of Kyiv, Moscow, Berlin and Warsaw, Bohdan Tscherkes illustrates the analogies and differences....

The principles of locality and universality in architecture of the City 2010 - 2013
The patterns of implementation of the principles locality and universality in urban architecture are considered in this work. locality, defined as a contextual based component (which is a rather subjectively perceived ability) of architectural objects, stands against universality which excludes the described quality of context. Due to a semiotic view on architecture...

Lviv. Architecture and City: 100 Landmark Buildings, 2010 - 2012
The research project Lviv. Architecture and City: 100 Landmark Buildings includes a scientific examination of the historical and contemporary architectural and urban history of the city of Lviv. The aim of the project was to draw adistinctive city portrait based on significant architectural objects, urban ensemble as well as parks and monuments.

New Markets_New Strategies, 2007 - 2010
New Markets_New Strategies was a joint research project of the Institute of Urban Design of TU Vienna and the institute of Contemporary Architecture of the Lviv Polytechnic University.
A phenomenon of urban development in Eastern Europe that has so far received little attention is the establishment of what are called „New Markets“ and their development into enormous...

Viennese Theaters and their architectural expressions, 2001
The field research on Viennese theaters was developed within the habilitation work by Prof. Proskuryakov. Thereby he was focusing mainly the aspects „spatial quality and their effects“ of 27 Viennese theater- and opera buildings....